Sunday, April 17, 2005

Russ and I took the Tookies camping in Sulpher on Friday night. Chickasaw National Park.

The campfire conversation was absolutely stimilating, if you must know. Anna was telling us stories about when she had gone camping in the past. There were dogs in the story. And she would say, "When I went 'to camping.'" She's never been camping before. And she wet her pants twice. Grrrr. Russ didn't like the story (as you can see).


OneoftheServens said...

it is very funny although Russ doesn't look that upset.

Matthryn said...

Russ should cut his hair. He sort of looks like one of those wolverines. You know, those wolf like wolverines? He should cut it with scissors. That way he wouldn't be so hairy on his head. He should also pay more attention to children. And he should brush his teeth. He should comb his hair. And for goodness sake, eat something. He's bone and skins for the sake of goodness.